Sulaiman Rahman: Navigating the Journey Towards Inclusive Leadership

This article was written by Board Member, Georgette Luna, Owner, Sea Philly

In the bustling world of business, leaders emerge with unique stories that shape their perspectives and contributions. One such industry leader is Sulaiman Rahman, CEO of Diverse Force, on a mission to promote inclusive ecosystems and cultivate diverse talent pipelines for the future of work, leadership, and governance.

Background and Early Influences
Sulaiman's journey begins in Philadelphia, a city that molded his character and values. Growing up in a diverse neighborhood, he recalls pivotal moments that ignited his sense of purpose. From envisioning himself as a superhero to early aspirations in football, Sulaiman's childhood experiences laid the foundation for his entrepreneurial spirit.

Educational Pursuits and Entrepreneurial Ventures
As Sulaiman pursued his education, he faced challenges that led him to question the traditional education system. Inspired by a book that highlighted the importance of self-education, he embarked on a journey of continuous learning, delving into personal development literature. This shift in mindset fueled his entrepreneurial pursuits, from starting as a paperboy to venturing into real estate with a "no money down" approach.

Building a Network and Professional Development
Sulaiman's trajectory took a turn as he founded a social media platform that connected professionals in Philadelphia. Recognizing the need for a more professional approach, he transitioned from advertising to organizing events, fostering meaningful connections among young professionals. This shift opened doors to leadership roles on various boards, providing him with insights into the city's challenges and opportunities.

Diverse Force: A Vision for Inclusive Leadership
In 2017, Sulaiman co-founded Diverse Force with a focus on talent development and community impact. The organization's flagship program, "Diverse Force on Boards," empowers leaders from underrepresented backgrounds to join nonprofit and social impact boards. The initiative has successfully placed over 270 leaders on boards, fostering diversity in decision-making.

Championing Diversity in the Corporate Landscape
Beyond nonprofit boards, Diverse Force collaborates with corporate partners to promote diversity in hiring practices. Sulaiman's commitment to a skills-first approach has led to partnerships with major companies, removing barriers and providing opportunities for talented individuals without traditional degrees.

Future Vision and Innovation in Workforce Development
Sulaiman's vision extends to the future, with a keen focus on artificial intelligence and workforce training. Diverse Force is actively involved in AI training programs, preparing the community for the evolving job market. Sulaiman emphasizes the importance of visionary thinking and being ahead of the curve in addressing societal challenges.

Conclusion: A Call for Diversity of Thought
As Sulaiman Rahman reflects on his journey, he encourages businesses and sponsors associated with the Center City Business Association to embrace diversity of thought. In a rapidly changing world, innovation and inclusivity are not just ethical imperatives but also strategic advantages. Sulaiman's story serves as an inspiring reminder that the journey to inclusive leadership is a collective effort, and the business community plays a vital role in shaping a more equitable future.